The Law Office of Michael H. Joseph, PLLC, has handled many medical malpractice cases. If you have suffered because of a misdiagnosis or medical negligence, you need help. Our medical malpractice lawyers are ready to fight on your behalf.
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I have a lot of experience with medical malpractice cases.
There are a wide range of negligence that result in injuries to clients.
One of those areas is the failure to diagnose infections.
This is a very serious problem
and can result in extremely serious injuries to a person,
including going into what's called septic shock.
This is an injury that can lead to death and does lead to death
if it's not properly treated timely.
I also have experience in surgical areas where doctors,
there's a consent to do surgery on one part of the body,
and the doctor negligently cuts an adjoining bone
and these injuries also can be really devastating to people.
If the doctors ignore their duty in this regard,
the injuries are devastating
and people are left with permanent disabilities, unfortunately.
Another area of medical malpractice cases that I'm involved with
is psychiatrists dispensing controlled substances.
Unfortunately, doctors will use those prescription pads,
they'll make the pharmaceutical companies happy
and their patients often suffer tremendously.
It's vitally important to have a lawyer on your side.
You must call a lawyer.
Very rarely do doctors or really anyone in our society
take responsibility for their conduct.
It's not the way our society is set up.
So it's really important you get a lawyer.
We'll preserve evidence.
We'll put the other parties on notice that they have to preserve the evidence.
There can be sanctions for spoilation if they don't do that.
So it's really important to get the lawyer involved and press your case.
People can expect, if I'm their lawyer,
for me always to be getting back to them promptly, explaining to them
what decisions have to be made, giving them counsel as to the decisions
and letting them decide,
especially when it comes time to resolve the case,
giving an opinion on what the value of the case is,
letting them know the upside, the downside and giving them counsel
as to the resolution, also preparing them
for all the court appearances and depositions
so they know fully what to expect.