Knowledgeable Construction Injury Lawyers Serving New York City and Westchester
Construction sites are some of the most hazardous workplaces in New York City and across the United States. According to the Nation’s Occupational Health and Safety Administration, about 15 percent of the people who are killed in a workplace accident each year are construction employees. Our New York City and Westchester saw accident lawyers know that many building site incidents involve unsafe table saws, circular saws, skill saws, and other electric saws. New York victims of these events can rely on experienced construction accident attorney Michael H. Joseph, who has represented people who were injured in saw accidents for more than two decades. The construction accident attorneys at the Law Office of Michael H. Joseph have helped people hurt by defective saws in Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Westchester, Rockland, pursue the compensation that they deserve. At the Law Office of Michael H. Joseph, PLLC, we will negotiate on your behalf and forcefully represent your interests in the courtroom. Call us today to speak with our New York City saw accidents lawyers at (212) 858-0503 or for a consultation with our Westchester saw accident attorneys call (914) 574-8330 to discuss your case.
Our construction injury attorneys have decades of experience in handling construction accidents, including saw cases. From our New York City office, our attorneys handle injury cases from the Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens. From our White Plains office, our attorneys handle cases from all over Westchester and Rockland Counties.
Contact an Experienced Saw Injury Attorney to Pursue Your Lawsuit
People who have suffered a serious accident while using a saw on a construction site need a dedicated personal injury lawyer on their side. From our Westchester office, The Law Office of Michael H. Joseph, PLLC, vigorously represents victims in White Plains, Yonkers, Port Chester, New Rochelle, and the rest of Westchester County, as well as Rockland County. If you have been injured in a saw accident, in Westchester or Rockland do not hesitate to call us toll-free at (914) 574-8330. Our New York City saw accidents lawyers in our Manhattan office, regularly represent personal injury victims from the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan. For an appointment with our New York City attorneys, call us at (212) 858-0503.
Protect Your Rights and Seek Compensation for Your Injuries
In New York City, building sites are everywhere and saws are an integral tool that is used in many construction trades, especially carpentry and framing. Since saws are designed to cut through many solid materials, an electric saw, circular saw, skill saw or table saw are especially dangerous pieces of construction equipment. Saws are constantly used by carpenters, demolition workers, laborers and workers performing framing. Despite the many risks inherent in using a saw at a construction site, worker safety is often sacrificed in favor of speeding a project along. For decades our New York City construction injury lawyers have represented people who were injured in construction accidents. New York has extensive regulations which require protections for worker safety and when these regulations are not followed, the general contractor and building site owner can be sued for an injured worker's personal injuries. The most common injuries from saw accidents include amputations, avulsion, lacerations and fractures, If you suffered an injury in a saw accident contact our New York City and Westchester saw accident attorneys today.

New York's Labor Law were enacted to provide New York construction worker with safe tools to do their job. Our New York construction accident attorneys who handle saw injury cases know that every construction worker has the right to a safe saw and the most common safety feature on the saw, which protects the worker is the guard. New York's Labor Law 241 requires the general contractor and building site owner to make sure that all workers on the construction site, including subcontractor's employees have safe tools, including saws.

Our NYC construction accident lawyers who handle saw accident cases know that New York’s Industrial Code requires that all circular saws have guards that cover the blade and teeth, which automatically retract to protect the worker after a cut is made. If the guard does not fully cover the blade while not in use or does not retract to protect the worker after a cut is made, that is a violation of law.
Our New York City and Westchester construction accident attorneys who handle saw injury cases know that the most common causes of defective guards include workers locking the guard out of position or removing the guard completely because they are pressured to work faster.

Our New York City and Westchester construction accident attorneys who handle saw injury cases know that the most common causes of defective guards include workers locking the guard out of position or removing the guard completely because they are pressured to work faster. If your boss pushed you to work fast with unsafe equipment and you got hurt, that is a violation of law. Call our NYC construction lawyers who handle saw accident cases today to learn about the compensation that we can obtain for you.
Another frequent cause of guards that do not function properly is inadequate maintenance. When saws are used repetitively, after several cuts, residue begins to build up which can physically interfere with the ability of the guard to retract or close. Our NYC and Westchester construction injury lawyers know that a proper maintenance protocol is required to make sure that saws are kept in proper working order. For decades, it has been the good and accepted practice, to use an air gun on a regular basis to blow out the residue from the interior of the saw, so that the guard can close properly

If the guard, does not close properly after you make a cut and you sustained lacerations or another injury, then the project owner and general contractor are responsible and can be sued for your personal injuries. One of the most frequent cases that our construction injury attorneys have handled occurs when the guard does not properly close, and the worker puts the saw on the floor, after making a cut, then the blade continues to rotate, which causes the saw to move forward and run over the worker's toes. This is often called a running saw injury
Saw accident cases are serious since saws cut through skin, nerves, muscle, bone, tendons and ligaments and can even cause partial or complete amputations. The New York's Industrial Code requires functional saw guards, so if a circular or skill saw blade was not properly guarded and it cut your or ran over your foot or toes after you put it down, then you have a case.
PRODUCT LIABILITY CASES Do I Have a Lawsuit if the Saw Was Defective
A defective saw that causes a construction employee to get hurt can give rise to a products liability claim. In such a lawsuit, the manufacturer or distributor of a saw can be held financially responsible for an accident if it resulted from a negligent design, an error in the manufacturing process, or inadequate testing. A manufacturing defect case occurs when a saw was not properly manufactured and that defect causes the saw to operate in a manner that injures its user. If you have a relatively new saw, which did not perform as it was expected to perform, then a manufacture error may have been the cause. Our New York attorneys who handle dangerous saw cases know that errors occur in the manufacture process or can be damaged in shipment, which can cause the saw to be dangerous. In some situations, a defectively designed product can cause someone to be seriously injured even if the device was produced according to the manufacturer’s specifications. In addition, an electric saw or other product manufacturer has a duty to provide users with adequate warnings and instructions regarding how to properly operate a piece of machinery. If a manufacturer fails to provide such information, and someone is hurt, the company may be held liable for the person’s harm in a products liability lawsuit.
As with other personal injury claims brought in New York, a person who was injured by a defective saw has up to three years from the date of the accident during which to file a products liability claim. If a lawsuit is not filed within that time frame, a victim will normally be barred from seeking damages. If you are not sure how long you have to file an injury claim, talk with a N.Y. C. saw accidents attorney to discuss your case. The attorney will be familiar with all the local laws and will make sure to get you the maximum possible settlement for your injuries. Call The Saw Accident Lawyers at the Law Offices of Michael H. Joseph at (212) 858-0503 to talk with our New York saw accidents attorney.
My husband has been with them since 2014 and still counting and they have been absolutely awesome. HE IS TRULY PROFESSIONAL!!! definitely will split the sea for you. We are blessed to have him handling my husbands case and already recommended him to a cousin which was also really pleased with the services. Michael is a shark and will bite these defense attorneys in there behind. BEWARE!!!! D. Almonte
My case was lost to many lawyers and with a little hope i wanted to search for another lawyer was when i looked for Michael Joseph who assured me that in new york i had labor laws for my work accident case i cut my foot in working at less than 3 years lived up to my expectations i managed to pay off the debts of physiotherapy clinics .thanks to my lawyer Michael Joseph.
Adriano Silva Andrade

18 West 33rd Street, Suite 400
New York, N.Y. 10001
Tel: 212-858-0503
Our Midtown Manhattan Law Office is across the street from the iconic Empire State Building and is easily accessible from Penn Station, the Path train and 6 train.
203 East Post Road
White Plains, NY 10601
Tel: 914-574-8330
Our White Plains office is in the heart of Downtown White Plains, and is walking distance from the State and Federal Courthouses.