Dockbuilder And Marine Construction Injuries In New York By Michael Joseph on May 27, 2010

As a New York construction accident attorney who has represented numerous New York marine construction workers, including dock builders who sustain injuries, I am thoroughly familiar with the Labor Laws that protect New York construction workers. In recent years, the New York waterfront has undergone extensive marine construction with renovation projects along the westside and east sides of Manhattan. There has also been extensive waterfront construction along Brooklyn and the Bronx water front. New York construction accident attorneys must be familiar with industry standards which are relevant to the marine construction industry to pursue Labor Law 200 construction accidnet cases. Although OSHA regulations dont support Labor Law 241 cases, they can establish Labor Law 200 cases under dangerous condition or work practice issues. Below is a brief summary of the appliable OSHA regulations concerning marine construction workers who work on work planks, float stages:

29 CFR 1910.28(u)(1) “Float or ship scaffolds.” Float or ship scaffolds shall support not more than three men and a few light tools, such as those needed for riveting, bolting, and welding.

29 CFR 1910.28 (u)(2) The platform shall be not less than 3 feet wide and 6 feet long, made of three-quarter-inch plywood, equivalent to American Plywood Association Grade B-B, Group I, Exterior.

29 CFR 1910.28 (u)(3) Under the platform, there shall be two supporting bearers made from 2- x 4-inch, or 1- x 10-inch rough, selected lumber, or better. They shall be free of knots or other flaws and project 6 inches beyond the platform on both sides. The ends of the platform shall extend about 6 inches beyond the outer edges of the bearers. Each bearer shall be securely fastened to the platform.

29 CFR 1910.28(u)(4) An edging of wood not less than 3/4 x 1 1/2 inches, or equivalent, shall be placed around all sides of the platform to prevent tools from rolling off.

29 CFR 1910.28(u)(5) Supporting ropes shall be 1-inch diameter manila rope or equivalent, free from deterioration, chemical damage, flaws, or other imperfections. Rope connections shall be such that the platform cannot shift or slip. If two ropes are used with each float, each of the two supporting ropes shall be hitched around one end of a bearer and pass under the platforms to the other end of the bearer where it is hitched again, leaving sufficient rope at each end for the supporting ties.

29 CFR 1910.28 (u)(6) Each workman shall be protected by a safety lifebelt attached to a lifeline. The lifeline shall be securely attached to substantial members of the structure (not scaffold), or to securely rigged lines, which will safely suspend the workman in case of a fall.

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